UAE to Pakistan & India Cargo

We offer a no hassle Door-Door Cargo Service to Pakistan & India, collecting your cargo and delivering it to your chosen destination. We provide you with boxes/cartons for your cargo with unbeatable price.

At Door To Door Cargo Service our aim is to ensure your product reaches its chosen market efficiently, therefore each solution may well be unique, dependent upon your timescales and your budget.

Ensuring that goods arrive the most effective way possible is as important as ensuring that they reach their final destination swiftly. Our features include stringent control of transportation functions, the use of fast, accurate systems, constant service monitoring, ensuring continuous delivery performance and well-trained, innovative people.

Trusted Door to Door Cargo to Pakistan & India

BS Cargo Service is one of the most reliable and trusted Cargo Providers in the UAE providing you with the best and the most original door to door service. This service can be used efficiently to send Cargo from the UAE to Pakistan & India  home to home. Our network is distributed over the whole of the Pakistan & India; enabling us to offer you the best in town door cargo.

PERSONAL Effects HOME CARGO to Pakistan & India

Our team of professional packers is here to ensure a safe and efficient shipment of your goods and belongings.

BS Cargo Service, we are aware that moving from a country to another is never easy. It is even difficult to determine the volume we really need to move, going from books to furniture, until it’s time to pack and ship them. And this is just the beginning of the adventure, indeed once in your new home, you have to unpack and put away all the stuff once again. It would be so nice that someone would take care of it!

Security of your Cargo

On the other hand, you are totally free to decide to pack all your goods by yourself! We make sure to always adapt our offer to your wants and needs.

However, there is a factor that has to be considered at any time: security. It is very important to have a solid packaging that can protect even the most fragile items.

Consider hiring professionals

The process of moving abroad is really complex. It comes with a lot of different little things to plan and anticipate. On the other hand, setting up the shipping process is time-consuming and stressful.

We advise you not to lose even more time on it by packing your whole house yourself, especially if you don’t have the required material to do so. BS Cargo works with an experienced staff of professionals that can truly take care of your goods.

Even though packing services represent an additional cost, this is a key step that has to be handle in the most efficient way. We adapt the materials to the goods you need to ship, while adapting our offer to your budget too!

Professionals save you time

Packaging services can be especially useful if you need to move in a hurry. If this is the case, BS Cargo can pack all your inventory in one day, while you might need a week to do it by yourself.

In fact, packing comes with a specific expertise, and you may not have the necessary knowledge about the amount and type of packaging materials that have to be used. Professional packers will use appropriate packaging supplies for each item. For example, we will use padded packaging for your fragile items and specific boxes for smaller pieces.

Cost Savings

While paying for packaging services represents an additional cost at first, professional services end up saving you a lot of money. Note that professional packers like BS Cargo will provide you with a very accurate estimate of everything you need.

On the other hand, if you buy the packaging material yourself, it is very likely that you will end up buying much more than the quantity required.

The fact that the company gives you an estimate of the work, equipment and the necessary working time can help you to forecast your costs very precisely. However, you can always choose for a partial packing service, which means that professional packers will provide only services for prescribed items such as large furniture, arts and lamps. Another tip that can help you reduces the cost of your move.

Foam in Place

The foam packaging is perfect for packing fragile, large and precious items. We can offer you a state-of-the-art foam packaging method. It is an injected material that grows in the box in order to adapt to any shape and any element, without damaging it and offering a secured and personalized cradle.

Your valuable item is then surrounded by a thick, ventilated foam cushion. This method is perfect for packing and moving fragile, large and valuable items such as computer and scientific equipment, but also for artwork and antiques.

Bag, Boxes and Cases

We have at our disposal a wide range of corrugated boxes to meet your protection needs for your goods. Even if we do not have the correct corrugated box, we can manufacture corrugated boxes adapted to varied sizes.

Some items require packing in wooden crates or boxes prior to shipment.

Antiques and Works of Art

Works of art and antiques are precious goods that require skilled and experienced professionals in the packaging and transportation of goods. Our packaging standards are internationally recognized.

We are used to dealing with art management at a national and international level. No matter the sensitivity or value of your object, you can count on our team specially trained to pack and transport your works.

We offer a wide range of professional packaging services as well as delivery, safe and secure. We give you an exceptional flexibility that will motivate you to organize the displacement of artistic and antique works, with a single company able to handle of all your logistical needs from beginning to end.

Our packaging services arrangement

With our packaging services, your shipments will be shielded from the provider at the purpose of conveyance, guaranteeing the honesty and progression of your inventory network. From straightforward sample packages to sea cargo compartments, you can depend on BS Cargo coordination to control costs, meet due dates, guarantee the classification of the substance, and forward all your bundling.

Our answers included from straightforward boxes, containers with heavy, wrapped boxes, metal boxes, wooden beds, wooden cases, fumigation, bubble-wrap and furthermore the sensitive send will be stuffed with air pocket wrap; We handle your goods carefully.

We would be delighted to meet you in our workplaces to present you our materials and working methods.